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Solve problems & innovate with PRIZ Innovation Platform

August 9, 2020

So, you have a problem or you are willing to solve somebody else’s problem and innovate. How do you do that? Where to start? What is the best flow for finding the solution to the problem? Googling this question will lead you to thousands of recommendations on the sequence of the problem-solving processes. Where did each recommended flow come from? The answer is simple, somebody has already solved a similar problem at least once.

In this post, we want to explain how the PRIZ Innovation Platform helps us to solve problems and innovate.

The Concept

In a single phrase, there is no rule! Well, almost…
As we mentioned above, there are many different approaches to problem-solving and they all work one way or another. If you use any systematic approach, it will definitely help you to find a solution.

Our concept is that all recommended flows are excellent and can be successfully applied for solving your problem. Therefore we propose a very flexible system supporting any flow you deem necessary.

PRIZ Guru proposes an Online Platform for completion of Innovation projects that are always related to problems solving process. Please read our blog describing that Innovation is a solving of somebody’s problem.

We recommend only four steps

  • Define the problem statement.
    Without problem statement, there is no problem to solve. In this step, we are building up an understanding of what is it we are going to solve. You can treat it as yet another problem-solving tool. We have described the analysis of “disadvantages” and the formulation of a subject problem in one of our previous blogs: How to define a problem statement?
  • Define success criteria.
    In this type of project, we must focus on one goal. Without success criteria, we will never be able to track the progress of the project or where are we actually heading with it. Success criteria answer a single question: how do we know that project is completed?
  • Pick relevant creative thinking tools.
    This step is easy. Try all of them if you cannot choose. All instruments are good and you can use any of them for a broad spectrum of problems. Read explanations and relevant blogs to understand how the tools are working.
  • Find a solution to the problem.
    Only the person, the problem solver can solve a problem. The art of problem-solving is in the proficient use of creative thinking (problem-solving) tools. The tools help the innovator to be focused, dedicated, and susceptible to accept tips generated from the tools. In a few words, a person “plays” with creative thinking tools, the tools “supply” him with the tips helping the person to generate a solution to the problem. For more info about innovator and problem-solving tools, read our blog: A problem solver is the main roadblock in problem solving processes. However, tools are nothing without training, like a hammer is useless without experienced handyman. Training will boost your ability to generate innovative ideas. More on that in another blog: People want fast and easy results without effort…

PRIZ Guru Online Platform offers a library of creative thinking tools:

  1. CEC – Cause and Effect Chain.
    An excellent tool for Root Cause Analyses. By searching and choosing a relevant Root Cause you will be able to learn how a system is working and find the problem and guide you to a solution. Read more: A Root Cause Analyses using PRIZ Innovation Platform.
  2. UIM – Urgency-Importance Matrix.
    A managerial tool created for tasks prioritization and categorization into 4 different groups: “Do First”, “Do Later”, “Delegate” and “Eliminate”. The tool will help you to achieve more by doing less with managing tasks priority. More on that: How to define urgency and importance of tasks when prioritizing?
  3. Inventive principles.
    A classical and probably the best tool for problem-solving and innovative ideas generation. The tool will guide you to relevant principles that can be used as tips and recommendations on the directions to think. Read our blog explaining how it works: Problem Solving Using 40 Inventive Principles.
  4. APA – Action Preventing Action.
    This is a completely new tool created to identify customer needs. The tool is based on the concept that a customer does not like to do what he does. Therefore, the highest level of customer satisfaction is to prevent him from his current activity. More details here: Happy New Customer! Ensure customer satisfaction!
  5. EBS – Effective Brainstorming
    A very popular tool that is widely used for problem-solving, troubleshooting, and so on. The principle is very easy. People generate ideas that are collected in a library. All ideas are good and any of them could solve the problem. The question is which one. Our EBS tool is incorporated with Round Robin Ranking which allows us to prioritize the ideas and start the validation in the relevance sequence. EBS help to shorten the time to solution. Read our blog about the tool: Effective BrainStorming (EBS).
  6. RRR – Round Robin Ranking.
    This tool is created to help with the ranking of options and for making a decision. The tool is based on a comparison of options by pairs (like in a chess tournament). The tool is very effective and easy to use. Details with examples: Decision making with Round Robin Ranking (RRR).

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Good luck.

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