PRIZ Guru ( ) is built to proliferate an innovation and problem-solving process, to publish explanations of how the problem-solving process works, describe the strength of creative thinking tools and reinforce it with examples.
Especially, one of the fundamental problems is to answer the question: “Which innovation should I work on?”, “What kind of new idea should be created?”
First, let’s ask ourselves, what is innovation? There are many articles that one can find about it; but, the answer is really simple. Innovation is there to solve somebody’s problem. Or, I want to reinforce it by: It is not an “innovation” that does not solve any problem.
Hence, Innovation is a novel idea that solves somebody’s problem.
In many cases, people don’t know which problem to solve. Some people that are willing to innovate, are getting blocked at the very beginning of the creative thinking process because they cannot decide which problem to solve and where to innovate.
We want to take this opportunity to announce our newest update to the PRIZ Innovation Platform. Now, you can choose a problem to work on out of a growing list of someone else’s problems. We called it: Challenges.
At this point, we have just a few challenges to solve, but the list is growing on a daily bases. These are not only the problems and challenges that we came up with but also some that were submitted to us by our users.
We want to encourage anyone to submit their own challenges for our users to solve. Anyone is welcome to contact us and submit a challenge.
LOGIN to PRIZ Innovation Platform and start your project.
Michael Webb
June 2, 2020
Please add me to your list and let’s see what we can accomplish