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40 Inventive Principles

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The 40 Inventive Principles is a basic TRIZ tool that assists in problem-solving, generating new ideas, and creating innovative solutions. Genrich Altshuller developed the technique’s fundamentals by analyzing, classifying, and systematizing tens of thousands of patents.

What will you get from 40 Inventive Principles?

40 Inventive Principles is a creative thinking tool that helps us to free from psychological inertia and makes us think “out-of-the-box”. 40P redirects the problem-solving process from guessing and intuitive decisions to creative analysis and innovative solutions generation.  Here, we want to summarize how you and your team can benefit from the 40P tool:

  • Stop guessing and start engineering thinking to solve of a problem
  • Avoid trade-off solutions, containment, and temporary “patches”
  • Create novel ideas and innovative solutions to a problem
  • Develop intellectual capability to solve problems

When should you use the 40 Inventive Principles?

The 40 Inventive Principles thinking tool is useful in various cases of parameter improvement. Some highlighted cases include:

  • Unexpected deviations of parameters from the limits (excursions)
  • Chronic issues requiring KPI improvements
  • Development of new processes and products
  • Effective management of continuous innovation process

From here, you can further explore and discover many other situations where the 40P thinking can be useful.

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